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跨平台开发工具 RAD Studio 12 (Delphi 12 & C++Builder 12)

开发工具 wes 1年前 (2024-01-07) 1205次浏览



        RAD Studio 12 使用一个代码库快速构建跨平台应用程序,支持Windows、Android、iOS、macOS和Linux平台。使用适用于Windows 11的全套开发工具和高级Windows桌面UI库,使用单个代码库构建多平台本机企业应用程序。RAD Studio是一个完整的集成IDE,它为每个平台编译本地二进制文件,并针对最新的平台版本。包括Delphi®、C++Builder®、InterBase®、RAD Server®和Python库。

        RAD Studio 12 (Delphi 12)发布于2023年11月份。




        使用先进的视觉设计库,使用现代C++for Windows构建速度极快的本地应用程序,快速构建出色的用户体验,提高生产力并缩短上市时间.

RAD Studio 12中的新功能

        RAD Studio 12提供对iOS 17(仅适用于Delphi)、Android 14和macOS Sonoma的官方支持。RAD Studio 12还支持Ubuntu 22 LTS和Windows Server 2022。 3y4.net

C++Builder IDE集成了Visual Assist
        Visual Assist集成为C++代码提供了一流的代码完成、代码导航和重命名重构;惊人的生产力提升。



        改进了Android平台支持,分屏iOS和Android窗格,全套图标和闪屏向导,支持Android API 33级。

        通过支持源自Konopka Signature VCL Controls的HighDPI和新的VCL设计者,改进了应用程序的现代化。

更多可在Object Pascal中使用的Windows API
        全面的所有Windows API头转换为Object Pascal,使Delphi开发人员更容易调用任何Windows平台API。




        具有新智能ID(Sqids)的更强大、更灵活的托管REST API。更好的性能,数据分页的改进,更好的会话身份验证。

RAD Studio 12还能提供什么?

在4k+屏幕上使用RAD Studio!
        RAD Studio 12为IDE提供高DPI支持,使开发人员能够在更大、高分辨率的屏幕上工作。对最新4k以上高分辨率显示器的全面支持通过更干净、更清晰的字体和图标,以及整个IDE窗口的高分辨率支持,包括在VCL和FMX表单设计器和代码编辑器中,改善了开发人员的日常活动。

支持Windows 11
        官方支持Windows 11提供集成MSIX生成功能。适用于Windows的WebBrowser组件,同时支持IE ActiveX和新的Microsoft WebView 2控件(基于Chromium的Edge)。增强了VCL表单设计器,可直观地构建本机Windows应用程序,并提供实时快照提示和布局指导原则。用于32位Windows和64位Windows的增强型Delphi和C++RTL。

    VCL Styles现在提供设计时支持:原型时尚的UI快速展现。

在M系列Apple Silicon上部署!
        为macOS(M系列Apple Silicon)编译,并使用新的通用包提交AppStore。现在,您可以为现有的英特尔和新的M系列macOS处理器(Apple Silicon)进行编译。为最新的处理器版本进行编译可以在所有平台上实现最快的性能,并支持macOS应用商店的通用封装。

        改进了对 VCL 和 IDE 的远程桌面支持,帮助开发人员在办公室远程工作。增强了对远程和本地 64 位 Windows 应用程序以及 macOS 64 位应用程序(Intel 和 ARM)的调试。增强的远程桌面支持可提高团队的效率并提高盈利水平。

        RAD Studio 12为FireMonkey移动应用程序提供了一个新的移动生物识别验证组件。


        RAD Studio 12附带了最近发布的InterBase 2020 Update 5开发版和IBLite/ToGo版本。

Build Native Apps 5x Faster With One Codebase For Windows, Android, iOS, macOS, and Linux.

RAD Studio

RAD Studio

        Build multi-platform native enterprise apps with a single codebase using a full suite of development tools and advanced Windows desktop UI libraries ready for Windows 11. RAD Studio is a complete integrated IDE that compiles native binaries for every platform and targets the latest platform versions. Includes Delphi®, C++Builder®, InterBase®, RAD Server®, and Python libraries.

What’s New in RAD Studio 12

An All-New C++CompilerVisual Assist Integration, SKIA Support and
Quality Improvements Everywhere Make RAD Studio 12 a Very Special Release

New Features in RAD Studio 12

Target The Latest Platform Versions!

RAD Studio 12 offers official support for iOS 17 (for Delphi only), Android 14, and macOS Sonoma. RAD Studio 12 also supports Ubuntu 22 LTS and Windows Server 2022.

Target The Latest Platform Versions!

Visual Assist Integration for C++Builder IDE

Visual Assist integration provides best-in-class code completion, code navigation and rename refactoring for C++ code; an amazing productivity boost

Visual Assist Integration for C++Builder IDE

Multiline String Literals for Delphi Source Code

Multiline string literals enable easier embedding of SQL, HTML, JSON, XML multi-line text within an application source code

Multiline String Literals for Delphi Source Code

SKIA Support for UI Design in FireMonkey

New foundation improves performance and quality in rendering graphics and UI controls across all target platforms


Improved Mobile Design with FireMonkey Enhancements

Improvements to Android platform support, split-screen iOS and Android panes, full-set icon and splash screen wizard, support for Android API level 33

Modernized VCL with Reworked MDI and Tabbed UI for VCL

Improved application modernization with support for HighDPI and new VCL designers originating from Konopka Signature VCL Controls

More Windows APIs Ready to Use in Object Pascal

Comprehensive set of all Windows API headers converted to Object Pascal, to make it easier for Delphi developers to call any Windows platform API

Modernized C++ Compilers and Toolchain

Preview of the new Clang-based C++ compiler for Win64, supporting the latest C++ standards, integrating better with external libraries and C++ code

QBE Support in FireDAC,
New JSON Wizard for Delphi

Query-by-Example available in FireDAC. JSON data mapping wizard to generate classes matching JSON data structure, map data to objects like XML and stream out to new file

Improved Application Security Through SQL Restrictions

Deeper application security through restrictions on SQL commands, blocks on multiple commands and SQL changes

Support for Smart IDs in RAD Server

More powerful and flexible hosted REST APIs with new smart IDs (Sqids). Better performance, data paging improvements, better session authentication.

What Else Does RAD Studio 12 Deliver?

Use RAD Studio on 4k+ Screens!

RAD Studio 12 offers high-DPI support to the IDE, enabling developers to work on larger, high-resolution screens. Full support for the latest 4k+ high-resolution monitors improves daily developer activities with cleaner, sharper fonts and icons, and high-resolution support throughout the IDE windows, including in the VCL and FMX form designers and code editor.

4k+ Support

Target Windows 11

Official support for Windows 11 provisioning with integrated MSIX generation. WebBrowser component for Windows, with support for both the IE ActiveX and the new Microsoft WebView 2 control (Chromium-based Edge). Enhanced VCL Form Designer to visually build native Windows applications, with live snap-to hints and layout guidelines. Enhanced Delphi and C++ RTL for 32-bit Windows and 64-bit Windows.

Windows 11

Use VCL Styles at Design Time!

VCL Styles now provides design-time support: Prototype stylish UIs even faster by seeing immediately at design-time how your styled forms and controls will look when running. Viewing at design time how styles will impact the UI at runtime improves the design and testing process for modern UIs. Creating better UIs faster is especially useful when working with per-control styles.

Use VCL Styles at Design Time!

Deploy on M-Series Apple Silicon!

Compile for macOS (M-series Apple Silicon) and use the new universal package for AppStore submission. You can now compile for both existing Intel and new M-series macOS processors (Apple Silicon). Compiling for the newest processor versions enables the fastest performance across all platforms, and supports universal packaging for the macOS app store.

Deploy on M-Series Apple Silicon!

Collaborate Remotely!

Improved Remote Desktop Support for VCL and IDE, helping developers working remotely from the office. Enhanced debugging for remote and local 64-bit Windows applications and macOS 64-bit applications (Intel and ARM). Enhanced remote desktop support boosts your team’s efficiency and improves your bottom line.

Work Remotely!

Use Biometric Authentication!

RAD Studio 12 offers a new Mobile Biometric Authentication component for FireMonkey mobile applications

Use Biometric Authentication!

Deploy Embedded InterBase Dev Edition!

RAD Studio 12 ships with the recently released InterBase 2020 Update 5 Developer edition and IBLite/ToGo edition

RAD + InterBase

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