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Effective C: An Introduction to Professional C Programming

经典图书 wes 2年前 (2023-02-22) 439次浏览

Author: Robert C. Seacord

ISBN-10: 1718501048

Year: 2020

Pages: 272

Language: English

File format: PDF, ePub, mobi

Category: C


Effective C: An Introduction to
Professional C Programming

A detailed introduction to the C
programming language for experienced programmers.


The world runs on code written in the C
programming language, yet most schools begin the curriculum with Python or
Java. Effective C bridges this gap and brings C into the modern era–covering
the modern C17 Standard as well as potential C2x features. With the aid of this
instant classic, you’ll soon be writing professional, portable, and secure C
programs to power robust systems and solve real-world problems.


Robert C. Seacord introduces C and the C
Standard Library while addressing best practices, common errors, and open
debates in the C community. Developed together with other C Standards committee
experts, Effective C will teach you how to debug, test, and analyze C programs.
You’ll benefit from Seacord’s concise explanations of C language constructs and
behaviors, and from his 40 years of coding experience.


You’ll learn:

How to identify and handle undefined behavior in a C program

The range and representations of integers and floating-point values

How dynamic memory allocation works and how to use nonstandard functions

How to use character encodings and types

How to perform I/O with terminals and filesystems using C Standard
streams and POSIX file descriptors

How to understand the C compiler’s translation phases and the role of
the preprocessor

How to test, debug, and analyze C programs


Effective C will teach you how to write
professional, secure, and portable C code that will stand the test of time and
help strengthen the foundation of the computing world.


一本为有经验的程序员详细介绍 C 语言的书籍。


填补了这一空白,将 C 引入了现代——涵盖现代 C17 标准以及潜在的 C2x 特性。借助这一即时经典,您将很快学会为健壮的系统和解决实际问题编写专业的、可移植的和安全的 C 程序,。


Robert C. Seacord在介绍最佳实践,常见错误以及C社区中的公开讨论的同时,介绍了CC标准库。Effect C将教您如何调试、测试和分析 C 程序,与其他 C 标准委员会专家一起开发。Seacord C 语言构造和行为的简要说明,以及他 40 年的编程经验,都让您受益匪浅。



• 如何识别和处理 C 程序中的未定义行为

• 整数和浮点数的范围和表示

• 动态内存分配的工作原理以及如何使用非标准函数

• 如何使用字符编码和类型

• 如何使用 C 标准流和 POSIX 规范对终端和文件系统执行 I/O操作

• 如何理解 C 编译器的翻译阶段和预处理器的作用

• 如何测试、调试和分析 C 程序


Effective C将教你如何编写专业、安全和可移植的 C 代码,这些代码将经得起时间的考验,并有助于增强计算界的基础。3y4.net经典图书简译,供参考。


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